
Daily UI is a series of work where I challenge myself to design delightful interfaces and experiences every day.

Home page interface of a hypothetical video on-demand streaming service.

Delivery tracking interface on a food delivery app.

Login page re-design concept based on Qeeps.

Parallax landing page concept based on Qonto.

Intro splash screen concept for an app which let's you store all digital cards in one place.

In app subscription paywall pages in two different design themes.

Boarding pass in a digital wallet app.

Sign up page for a hypothetical custom sticker service.

Landing page re-design concept for Greenly website.

App icon design for STIKR.

Profile page design idea for a creative showcase app.

A phone settings page inspired from iOS.

404 Error page concept design.

Music streaming app UI concept.

Social sharing pop up concept for Oyster blog.

Pop up message after filling a message form.

Pangaia product display page re-design.

UI of a messaging app on an iPad or tablet.

User interface of a timer app on iPhone.

ON / OFF toggle button design.

VEJA newsletter subscription pop-up concept.

Everyone order confirmation page design concept.

Health analytics app UI inspired by iOS.

Leaderboard UI of a hypothetical mindfulness app.

User Interface for a phone calculator app in both dark & light mode.

Calorie monitoring app dashboard.

Search page of a hypothetical search engine.

Onboarding screens of a hypothetical clothing renting app.

Checkout page for a hypothetical custom sticker service.

Newsletter subscription pop-up for Rains.

Drop-down selection menu interface.

Contact form user interface.

Pricing plan interface for a video sharing app designed for streamers.

File uploading interface of an internal file sharing platform.

Ayush Singh

2023 ©

Ayush Singh

2023 ©

Ayush Singh

2023 ©